This guide helps to identify which is the smoke detector that’s first triggered in an interconnected cluster.
In an interconnected cluster, the expected behaviour is when one of the interconnected smoke detector is triggered, all other interconnected smoke detectors in the same cluster will go into alarm mode as well.
Here’s how to identify which is the interconnected smoke detector that is first triggered.
- Press the silence button on any of the interconnected smoke detectors.
- If the interconnected smoke detector where the silent button is pressed IS NOT the original one that’s triggered, it will silence all interconnected smoke detectors except the one that’s originally triggered.
- If the interconnected smoke detector where the silent button is pressed IS the original one that’s triggered, it will silence all interconnected smoke detectors.
The above behaviour is to let us identify which is the interconnected smoke detector that first got triggered.
If there’s no smoke and yet the interconnected smoke detector is triggered, then it’s likely due to false alarm. Please click here to read about false alarms.